Student Handbook
Basic Information
Annual Public Notices including Family Educational Rights and Privacy (FERPA)
Car Riders Identification Program - Dismissal
Contact Information - Change/Add
Contact Manager/School Messenger - Receive BCS Notifications
Early Dismissal/Doctor's Appt.
Now you can choose how to receive notifications from Buncombe County Schools: on your home phone, your cell, via text or email.
Have weather alerts sent as text messages, calls from the Principal sent to one phone and not another! To receive info just the way you'd like it through the new BCS SchoolMessenger system, take a few minutes to create a contact preference profile using the secure on-line Contact Manager by following the instructions below.
Be sure to have student ID#(s) handy...the same number used for cafeteria meal accounts and on report cards. You'll also need a valid email address, and the ability to access it, and be able to make a phone call from a number currently on file at your child's school.
Note: Each student ID number will only work on one account.
*In the case of separated or divorced parents, parents will either need to share the log in information with each other, or the parent who controls the account will have to make sure the other parent's preferences are included. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in the best interest of the student!
*Always contact your children's schools when your primary phone numbers have changed. Changes you make in Contact Manager will allow the automated system to reach you at your new phone numbers, but that information does not get updated into your child's official record at the school, so you must always inform the school when your contact information changes.
BCS Employees will need their 9 digit payroll ID number to create an account. If employees have children enrolled in a BCS school, they can create an account with their payroll ID and add the students to their account.
Please click the link to visit the Buncombe County Schools webpage to setup your account: ACCOUNT SET UP INSTRUCTIONS