Our School Mission Statement
ACRMS fosters a welcoming environment that promotes academic, physical, social, and emotional growth through a safe, engaging, and supportive culture.
AIG - Academically/Intellectually Gifted
For information about the ACRMS AIG Program, as well as general information about AIG in Buncombe County, please click the following link to be redirected to the BCS AIG Webpage.
Special Education
A.C. Reynolds Middle School provides special education and related services for children who have been determined eligible for special education services by the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team. Referral, evaluation, identification, and special education services are provided as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and the North Carolina Procedures Governing Programs and Services for Children with Disabilities. Special education and related services are provided for students in the Least Restrictive Environment as determined by the IEP team. School based special education teachers and therapists provide the required services for the majority of our students.
Students are identified in a variety of disability categories and served through a variety of methods as required by IDEA. Emphasis has been placed on serving students with a disability within the regular classroom; however, the school system maintains a continuum of services to meet the individual needs of students. Students with a disability participate in all aspects of public education in Buncombe County. Most of our students follow the standard course of study and graduate from high school with a diploma. Some of these students will be following a new course of study, the Occupational Course of Study (OCS).
BCS Math Path
For more information regarding the K-12 Math Progression, visit the Buncombe County School Math Site .