
As part of our BCEC family, all parents are invited to invest in our school. Your participation as a supportive BCEC family will positively influence all of our students and our community.

Keep your contact information up-to-date.

  • We will contact you by email or phone for personal matters.

  • We utilize School Messenger to send out an all-school message. Please make sure your contact information is current in School Messenger and select the methods of contact you prefer: call, email, text, or all alerts. 

  • School Messenger is also utilized for emergency alerts from the school and/or district level. For more information about parent notifications, please select the "Parent" link on the BCS website. 

Please contact our data manager, Patty Reaves, at 828-232-4123, should you need to update contact information. 

Be a part of your student's team.

  • You are strongly encouraged to attend orientations, back-to-school meetings, and parent conferences. These meetings have can’t-miss information that will help you support your son/daughter.

Check grades weekly online.

  • You can support your child academically by creating an online account through the Home Base Parent Portal. This allows you and your son/daughter to access grades and attendance online.  Contact us at 828-232-4123 if you have questions about how to utilize Parent Portal. 


  • Parents are always welcome around BCEC, if you are interested in volunteering but you are not sure how, please call the main office at 828-232-4123 to inquire. 


Visit us!

  • You are welcome to visit our school at any time. Please come by the main office to sign in and to inform school staff of your visit.