504 Rehab Act


Buncombe County Public Schools is committed to complying with federal law and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which ensures a free and appropriate education to each handicapped student. Under the Act, anyone who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity may be considered handicapped.

The school district has responsibilities to identify, evaluate and provide appropriate education services for all students eligible as handicapped under Section 504.

Parents are entitled to be fully informed of decisions regarding their child’s education and to be advised of your rights to challenge any of the decisions.

Parents have a right to:

  1. Receive notification that your child is being evaluated and identified as handicapped.

  2. Receive notification that an educational plan is being developed.

  3. Have evaluation and educational decisions made from a variety of information sources and by persons who know your child, the evaluation data and placement options.

  4. Examine all relevant records.

  5. Have your child receive a free and appropriate public education which includes being educated with non-handicapped students to the maximum extent appropriate and receiving reasonable accommodation in school and school-related activities.

  6. Have periodic reevaluations and an evaluation prior to any significant change in educational program.

  7. Have an informal conference with the school principal and the multi-disciplinary team and, if your concerns are not addressed, you may request an impartial hearing.

  8. Request an impartial formal hearing if there is disagreement related to actions regarding your child’s identification, evaluation, educational program or placement and be represented by counsel.

Please contact the school principal for questions or concerns regarding your child’s education.

For additional information regarding Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, contact Shanon Martin, Director of Student Services, 828-255-5918.