In June of 2023, the state legislature revised the law governing elections in BCS. Instead of six residency districts (based on the six high school attendance zones) and one at-large member, the law directed BCS to create six electoral districts along with the one at-large seat. There were several criteria required to include equal population in each district and community consideration. The Buncombe County Board of Education selected a firm to redraw electoral districts and provide a few options for consideration. NOTE: These changes do not affect which schools students attend, only the districts that the school board members represent and a move from countywide voting for all school board seats to only residents of the electoral district voting for the Board Member seat that represents the district and countywide voting for the At-Large seat.
Redistricting Presentation #1 - November 2
Redistricting Presentation #2 - December 7
Redistricting Presentation #3 - January 11
Redistricting Presentation #4 - February 15
This interactive map shows the three options under consideration by the school board and further explained in the presentations above. The board appreciates the feedback from parents, community members, and staff members that has been shared through the two online surveys and the Public Hearing.