Future Ready Core Occupational Course of Study Program (FRC-OCS)

The Future Ready Core Occupational Course of Study program (OCS) is designed to provide a sound foundation in preparation for adult living for students with disabilities. Through participation in a vocationally oriented curriculum and in relevant work experiences, students learn skills necessary to enter the world of work, retain employment, and seek other employment throughout their adult lives. The OCS program is designed for eligible students as determined by the IEP Team and their individual skills needed to develop a foundation for work. This course of study consists of three components: (1) academic requirements (2) school and community-based work hour requirements (3) Career Portfolio. The program addresses the aptitudes that are necessary for successful adult living and employment. Course work within this pathway emphasizes integration into the working community after high school graduation.

The Occupational Course of Study is intended to meet the educational and career development needs of a small group of students with disabilities who require a variety of substantive instructional supports and accommodations throughout the school day to access and make progress towards grade-level standards. The vast majority of students with disabilities participate in and complete the Future Ready Core Standard Course of Study (FRC-SCOS) with the use of accommodations and supplemental aids and services as outlined in the student’s IEP. However, the focus of OCS is to prepare students to go directly into employment with marketable skills or to attend a postsecondary education program resulting in licensure or credential upon graduation from high school. 

The coursework for the Occupational Course of Study Program is listed below for students entering 9th grade the 2021-2022 school year:


____ English I

____ English II

____ English III

____ English IV


____ Intro to Math I 

____ Math I 

____ Financial Management 


____ Applied Science 

____ Biology 

Social Studies 

____ Founding Principles of the US and NC: Civic Literacy  

____Economics & Personal Finance

____ PE & Health

Employment Preparation 

____ Employment Preparation I: Science (to include 150 work hours)

____ Employment Preparation II: Citizenship 1A (to include 75 work hours)

____ Employment Preparation II: Citizenship IB (to include 75 work hours)

____ Employment Preparation III: Citizenship II A (to include 75 work hours)

____ Employment Preparation III: Citizenship II B (to include 75 work hours)

____ Employment Preparation IV: Math (to include 150 work hours)

Career Technical Education (courses are chosen during registration)

____1. _______________________

____2. _______________________

____3. _______________________

____4. _______________________

____ Career Portfolio

____ Completion of 600 Work Hours 

For additional information about OCS graduation requirements for students entering high school prior to 2021-2022, please click on the link below:

OCS Graduation Requirements

For more general information and resources regarding the Future Ready Occupational Course of Study Program, please visit the NC Department of Public Instruction OCS website by clicking on the link below:

NC DPI OCS Webpage

If you would like to receive more information regarding the Future Ready Core Occupational Course of Study in regard to our district, please contact Robin Miller, Curriculum Manage, BCS at 828-255-5984 or robin.miller@bcsemail.org