NC Arts Proficiency Endorsement
As of 2024, the Arts Proficiency Endorsement is a part of State Board of Education policy, Grad 007.
Students in North Carolina public schools and public charter schools may earn one or more endorsements on their high school diploma. These endorsements indicate that students have completed specific course concentrations preparing them to be ready for careers and/or college.
The student shall complete a minimum of four NCSCOS high school arts courses (which may include Advanced Placement). Courses using local elective codes that do not deliver the full Arts Education Standard Course of Study do not count toward the endorsement nor do community college arts courses.
The student shall earn an unweighted GPA of 3.0 or higher in each arts credit.
The student shall complete a minimum of 40 hours of arts-related extracurricular activities between 9th and 12th grade.
-The student shall complete all of the required hours outside of instructional hours.
-The student shall not receive any course credit for participation in the activity.
-The student shall document the hours on the form provided with a short reflection. Activities must be approved by a current or former arts teacher of the student.
-Forms must be submitted to the student’s high school guidance counselor by the specified date with transcript.
Examples that would satisfy the requirement include, but are not limited to, attending performances, participating in community arts events, participation in local, district, or regional honor ensembles or activities, visiting museums or galleries, or interviewing local artists.