Preschool Services

Thank you for your interest in the Buncombe County Schools Preschool program.  Preschool Special Education Services are designed for children ages 3 to 5 with developmental delays or disabilities who require specially designed instruction to make progress.  The goal of the program is to provide early education and therapy to help children prepare for Kindergarten.

Some of the services provided to preschool children include:

  • Educational and Speech-Language Screenings

  • Comprehensive, play-based assessments

  • Specialized instruction by a licensed Birth to Kindergarten Teacher

  • Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy

  • Vision and Hearing Impaired Specialized Services

  • Assistance with transition to Kindergarten

Referrals for evaluations are made based on the developmental needs of the child, ages 3 to 5, prior to entry to Kindergarten.  Notifications come from a variety of sources including parents, Physician's offices, the Infant-Toddler Program (CDSA), early childhood programs, Health and Human Services, and mental health programs.

Eligibility is based on either: 1) a significant delay in one or more areas of development compared to other children the same age; or 2) a physical disability, hearing or vision loss that requires specially designed instruction.  Based on evaluation results, an Individualized Education Plan will be developed with goals and objectives to address educational needs.  Any related services (speech, OT, PT) are designed to support the educational goals.

The Buncombe County Schools Preschool Program is not a traditional childcare program.  Preschool children with disabilities are served in a variety of settings and natural environments.  As an integrated program, our goal is to serve the needs of children in an inclusive setting.  An inclusive model provides children with opportunities to interact with peers who provide strong language, play and social models.  Inclusive settings may include childcare programs, Head Start or NC PreK classrooms, play groups or the home for children with specialized medical needs.

If you have questions or would like to make a notification or referral, please call the Preschool Coordinator,  Kara Lauffer, at 828-255-5983.