Parent Information/Resources
Parent Support and Information
The Mediation Center
Conflict resolution in a safe, neutral environment.
Buncombe County - Henderson County - Polk County - Transylvania County
Our Voice
Serving Victims & Supporting Survivors of Rape & Sexual Assault
24 Hour Crisis Line (828) 255-7576
Eliada Treatment Center (EAC)
(828) 348-3381 - Eliada Assessment Center
Community Alternatives Program for Children
C&B Support Services
Community Alternatives Program for Children (CAP/C)
Exceptional Children's Assistance Center (ECAC)
800-962-6817 or (704) 892-1321
The North Carolina Parent Training & Information Center (PTI) provides free information & assistance with educational issues to parents of children with disabilities. The Center offers workshops, a lending library, newsletter, & a parent information line answered by parents.
Family Support Network of North Carolina
The Family Support Network has a free statewide information and referral service, parent-to-parent programs, and workshops for parents of children with disabilities.
Carolina Legal Assistance
(919) 856-2195
Carolina Legal Assistance offers legal representation to children and adults with mental illness and developmental disabilities. Fees are based on a sliding scale.
Complex Mental Health/Intellectual & Developmental Disability-NC Resource Website
The NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services is pleased to announce the launch of, a new website for parents, caregivers, community members, and primary care physician offices, and other professionals who live with and care for people with both I/DD and mental health challenges. This website is a collection of information and resources designed to provide an overview and guidance on such topics as communication, behavioral health crisis, and medication.
VAYA Health
Vaya Health works with a network of providers to ensure that a full range of mental health, substance abuse and intellectual/developmental disability services and supports are available for individuals and families in our communities.
Dyslexia Information
NC Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities
Guiding Practices for Early Childhood Transition
NCDPI Office of Early Learning - PreSchool
The Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Help Line and Email Address:
1-800-737-3028 /
The CYSHCN Help Line provides resources, support and assistance to individuals who have concerns or questions about a child and/or youth with special health care needs. The Help Line provides:
Information and services available under government and community programs.
Resources to help pay for medications, medical equipment/supplies, adaptive devices, visits to the doctor, utilities or food.
How to find health care and dental providers.
How and where to apply for disability income for a child.
How to find services when relocating to and within NC.
Information about health care transitions for children and youth with special health care needs.
To learn more:
The General Assembly approved legislation (HB 269) for the establishment of scholarships for students with a disability attending private school. The application for these scholarships can be found at