BCS Special Announcement Graphic

In September of 2023, the North Carolina General Assembly mandated that the Asheville City and Buncombe County school systems jointly study the feasibility of a merger and designated Buncombe County Government as the lead entity for this project. Prismatic Services, the firm chosen by Buncombe County commissioners to conduct the study, recently held ten forums to help gather community input.

If you were unable to attend, you can still share you input through online surveys, which are available through Sept. 30. There are individual surveys for parents, BCS teammates, community members, and high school students. Click here to learn more and access the surveys. In addition, BCS high school students will be given the opportunity to take a survey in school. Principals will be sharing more information in days ahead with parents of high school students.

Survey feedback will be incorporated into the report which will go before the General Assembly in February 2025.