Bullying Prevention Plan
Black Mountain Elementary
Bullying Prevention & Response Plan
Bullying and Harassment Policy
● Black Mountain Elementary is committed to providing a safe and caring learning environment for all students and staff that is free from bullying and harassment.
● Bullying, as defined by BCS Board Policy #464 is: “deliberately hurtful behavior, often over a period of time or on isolated occasions, where a person or group of persons deliberately intimidate, threaten, or harass another person”
Purpose of the Bullying Prevention & Response Plan
● In accordance with Buncombe County Board Policy #464 and anti-bullying national legislation, BME has devised this Bullying Prevention Plan to be proactive in eliminating and responding to all forms of bullying and harassment at our school.
Expectations of Behavior
At BME, we have adopted the Positive Behavior & Intervention System (PBIS) model to teach and reinforce expected behaviors through class and school wide activities
● SUPER student matrix: BME identifies: self-control, use polite words, problem solve to find solutions, expect success, and respect everyone always, as our guidelines for behavior
● A classroom discipline plan focusing on positive behavior is required of all teachers and submitted to the principal for approval, and shared with students and parents
Bullying Prevention & Education
● Year round school wide bullying prevention lessons, activities, and trainings provide prevention education to students and staff using the Second Step Curriculum
● Staff are oriented to bullying response procedures and plan via staff meeting and/or development
● Students and parents are oriented to procedures via a variety of methods
● School Improvement Plan includes a goal for healthy students in safe, orderly and caring school
● Bullying Survey and Student Safety Survey administered 3 times yearly to monitor and respond to needs as indicated by data collected from students
Reporting Procedures
● Individuals are encouraged to report bullying incidents and can do so: directly to staff members, in writing or by phone, via the school website “report bullying” link and/or anonymously.
● Staff members who witness a potential bullying incident should intervene immediately. Staff members who intervene and/or receive an alleged bullying complaint from a student or parent are considered “mandated reporters” and should submit the complaint using the BCS Bullying Incident Level 1 Screening Documentation form.
● Staff members will submit a hard copy of the form to the designated location in the front office, then will send a notification of the incident submitted to the principal’s email address with the subject line as the date with the initials of the student in order to maintain confidentiality. The principal will send confirmation of their receipt of the report to the individual who submitted it.
Investigation Procedures
● The incident will be investigated in a timely manner and will include student interviews (perpetrator, target, witnesses) and staff members, as relevant
● Principal will determine if the incident is bullying and complete the bottom portion of the BCS Bullying Incident Level 1 Screening Documentation form.
● Parent of perpetrator will be informed and contact documented.
The Black Mountain Elementary principal will consider the following factors when deciding on an appropriate consequence for students who commit acts of bullying or harassment: the developmental and maturity level of the parties involved, the level of harm, events surrounding the incident, the nature of the behaviors, the context in which the incidents occurred, and the past history of the parties involved.
Action Plan/Consequences
● Consequences should include both disciplinary actions and skill building/positive behavior support interventions and will be documented through a Student Action Plan. Plan will be explicit and written and will be signed and treated as a contract/agreement of all people participating.
● Staff will document implementation of Student Action Plan via google docs.
● A BCS Plan to Protect Students who are a target of Bullying or Threats will be completed as a safety plan for target
The following are BCS recommended responses:
● Level 1: relatively minor incident that meets the definition but does not involve threats or disruption of school environment. May be 1st offense. Plan could include: disciplinary action (ISS, OSS, detention, etc), parent contact (parent notification of bullying letter, conference , or phone), Referral to counselor or social worker (skill building sessions), behavior plan, increased supervision, restitution, prevention plan
● Repeated offenses of Level 1 behaviors will increase disciplinary actions and interventions as appropriate. Additionally action plan may include: FBA, mental health referral, CFT meeting, SRO involvement, or bullying moodle.
● Behaviors that meet the criteria for Level 2 or 3 offenses will activate the Threat assessment process and require immediate response by principal in conjunction with the school counselor/social worker to determine necessary response.