Charlotte Clubb- Principal

Hello, my name is Charlotte Clubb and I am the Principal of Candler Elementary! Before coming to Candler, I was the Principal of another Buncombe County School and an Assistant Principal at three other schools, with two being elementary and one high school. Needless to say, I have been around for a while. I am a product of Buncombe County Schools, graduating from Enka High School, and in fact, was once a student at Candler Elementary School. Who knew that I would grow up to one day become the Principal! My roots run deep in the Enka community!

I am a graduate of Western Carolina University! I hold a Bachelors degree in Elementary Education, a Masters degree in Elementary Education and a Masters degree in School Administration, all from WCU!

In 2016, I lead a full-scale evacuation for my elementary school. Since then, I have been involved in supporting the other county schools who are chosen to do the full-scale evacuation drills. I feel that safety is the most important aspect of my job and was engrained in me by my father since as long as I can remember.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any issues or concerns. Also know that I am always happy to show off our beautiful campus and will happily give you a tour if you are looking for a new school to call home!


Katie Robinson- Assistant Principal

Hi, Candler Families. My name is Katie Robinson, and I am thrilled to be part of the Enka Community. My goal is to continue the tradition of maintaining a safe environment where students feel comfortable being at school so they are ready to learn each day.    

As a former Sugar Jet, I played volleyball and graduated from Enka High School in 2008.  

I began my career in Buncombe County Schools at Leicester Elementary School as a Title I Assistant while I attended Mars Hill University to obtain my Bachelors of Arts in Elementary Education. Once I graduated, I began teaching at West Buncombe Elementary School. I was able to serve as a second grade teacher and a Title I reading specialist at West Buncombe Elementary School. I obtained a Master’s Degree in School Administration from WCU through the principal fellows program, where I served as a full time assistant principal intern at Koontz Intermediate.  Most recently I have served Eblen Intermediate School as their assistant principal. 
