Three students looking in at a bird in a birdhouse

The beautiful wonders of the Western North Carolina (WNC) mountains awaited the first graders of Haw Creek Elementary as they set off on an adventure at the North Carolina Welcome Center on Interstate 26 in Madison County. As the bus wound its way through the scenic landscape, students' eyes widened in awe at the breathtaking views. 

Ms. Jennifer Griffin's class standing on the overlook of the welcome center on I-26

Upon arriving at the Welcome Center, the students were greeted by enthusiastic staff who introduced them to the marvels of WNC. The children participated in four learning labs that were specific to native plants, birds and insects. 

“The lessons not only provided information about plants and animals, but also taught students ways they can protect them,” said first grade teacher Jennifer Griffin. 

Student looking through a magnifying glass at a specimen in a jar.

Ms. Griffin said many parent volunteers were amazed with the amount of information available at the Welcome Center. The center provides families with free events across the Tar Heel state. 

“It was a joy to see the students excited and invested in learning about local wildlife,” she stated. “The kids were excited to get back to school and make plans to put bluebird boxes up for the 2024/2025 school year. Doing this will help increase the bluebird population in WNC.”