student peers over egg incubator

Johnston Elementary teamed up with local farmers to show kindergarten students the development of life first-hand by hatching baby chicks in the classroom. For 21 days, students excitedly awaited the birth of their new friends while learning about the growth process of a chick. As it grew students’ excitement grew with it, and models of what the chick looked like inside each day of the process sparked their scientific minds.

teacher shows off example egg

“We were able to observe the eggs daily and record our observations in our Science Journals,” said Kindergarten teacher Shanna Buckner. “Our young learners had never experienced anything like this before, and there were so many amazing moments. They even got to see the chick cracking the egg and emerging, and the excitement really filled the room.” 

After the chicks hatched, students got to hold them, learning how to be compassionate and gentle in the process.

chicks in an incubator

“It brought joy to our classroom,” said Mrs. Buckner. “I think it contributed not only to their learning, but also their emotional health.”