Title 1
Mrs. Wilson, Title I Teacher
Title 1 is a federally funded program that serves students who need extra assistance with reading. These students are selected for the program by classroom teachers' recommendations, scores on tests administered by Title 1 teachers, mClass data and scores on the End of Grade tests. Small groups consisting of no more than four students meet daily in their own classrooms. A Title 1 teacher comes into a classroom to work with the group for 30 minutes. During group time, students learn strategies to help them decode words, comprehend what they read and take tests. Groups in primary grades, K-2, also focus on phonics and phonemic awareness.
A Title I school is a school with low-income students making up more than 40% of the student body. These schools may use Title I funds to create a schoolwide program to improve achievement, thereby serving all children in the school.
Title I funding began as a part of the Great Society Program of President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965 under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The intent of the law was (and still is) to provide services to students who have academic needs that are not addressed in any other funding or those who are not handicapped but who are not working up to their grade placement. The goal of Title I is a High-Quality Education for every child. The program provides extra help to students who need it most. These are children who are the furthest from meeting the standards the state has set for all children. Title I resources are directed to schools with high poverty levels. The program serves millions of children in elementary schools each year. Most school districts participate. Title I also serves children who attend parochial and private schools.
How Title I Works
The Federal Government provides funding to states each year for Title I. To get funds, each state must submit a plan detailing:
what all children are expected to know
the high-quality standards of performance that all children are expected to meet
ways to measure progress
State educational agencies send the money to school districts based on the number of low-income families in their district.
The local school system identifies eligible schools as those with the highest percentage of children from low-income families and provides Title I resources to students in need, regardless of their income.
The Title I school, including parents, teachers, administrators and other school staff, work together to:
identifying students most in need of educational help (students do not have to be from low-income families to receive help)
setting goals for improvement
developing programs that add to regular classroom instruction
yearly review and revision of the Title I program
involving parents in all aspects of the program
Title I programs offer:
small group instruction
additional teachers and assistants
additional training for school staff
extra time for instruction
parent involvement opportunities
instructional materials
a variety of teaching methods and materials
Title I teachers and other staff work closely together.
Parents' Right to Know (English)
Parents' Right to Know (Romanian)
Parents' Right to Know (Russian)