Athlete Resources

Athletic Fee
The Athletic Fee provides a limited benefit Athletic Insurance Policy for Student-Athletes. Parents are encouraged to have a Primary Health Insurance Policy. The Athletic Fee also helps each individual school with Athletic transportation expenses.
High Schools - A fee of $50.00 per year is required for High School Student-Athletes.
Middle Schools - A fee of $40.00 per year is required for Middle School Student-Athletes.
This is a one-time per year fee regardless of how many sports the athlete participates in.
District Policies
The following district policies pertain to students and athletics:
3105 Home School Dual Enrollment for Athletics
3420 Student Promotion and Accountability
4130 Discretionary Admission or Release
4354 Suspension of Participants in Interscholastic Athletics
5030 Community Use of School Facilities (Application)
5030R Community Use of School Facilities
WNC YMCA Swimming Site - Submit Aquatics Center Facility Use Requests