students at a school dance in front of a streamer background

The Owen Middle School Student Council works toward forming a united student body, instilling good school spirit, providing a greater understanding between faculty and students, and insuring respect for school rules and regulations. 

The Council forms in September each year.  and everyone is invited to apply. Members are selected based on the strength of their application. The group is limited to a manageable number of no more than 20 members. Officer elections are held in November with Ms. Sanders as the sponsor. Student Council operates under a student-written constitution. High academic and commitment expectations are upheld. 

Student Council meets almost every other week on Friday lunches. They raise money through sponsoring dances and operating the concession stand at dances. They spend their funds primarily on capital improvement projects. In years past, the Council has purchased picnic tables, the flagpole at Shuford Field, a mascot uniform, a WarColt statue and bench, plus welcome mats and gym banners. They have also given to benevolent causes.  

Student Council conducts their meeting using Roberts Rule of Order and Parliamentary Procedures. They are a leadership development organization, a spirit club, and a service organization.