Philanthropy Award

NDA Senior, Rachel White was the winner of this year's Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy award presented by the WNC Association of Fundraising Professionals.  She was nominated by Zoe Trout, Development Officer for Individual and Corporate Giving with Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity.

Rachel led a fundraising campaign that generated nearly $10,000 for Asheville Habitat for Humanity Student Build program and coordinated volunteer days for her classmates to work on the Habitat construction site.

Rachel founded Nesbitt Habitat Collaborative.   In its first year, students logged over 200 hours on-site for the Student Build House despite both weather and Covid challenges. Rachel created a leadership structure to address sustainability and longevity to create service opportunities for more members. 

SHOUT OUT to Rachel for all the work she has done to grow our partnership in volunteer service at NDA with Habitat!  Students completed their Student Project Build this past school year and are continuing to volunteer on house sites this year.  
