March Newsletter
A group of Kindergarteners sitting around a table eating green eggs and ham.
Two kindergarten students dressed up in caps and gowns
First grader Brynnleigh Hensley standing with Christie Tilley of Mingo County Schools in West Virginia. Both are holding the picture frames made by students at Black Mountain Primary.
Johnston student holds a coffee filter on one side while science teacher Lexi Houle holds it on the other as the two prepare for a science experiment.
Week in Review
The Board Briefing
Black woman wearing a gray sweatshirt going through the lunch line with her daughter who is wearing a red sweatshirt.
K Tours
Jan News
Students receiving books at w.d.
A Leicester Elementary student hands gifts to W.D. Williams Elementary students.
Child in new sweatshirt
Sir Purr, Polar Bear, Panthers Legends, and Buddy the Elf with a confetti cannon in front of students in the W.D. Williams gym
Student holding her battle pup for a picture.
Asheville Christian Academy football team playing against Owen High football team.