Child is being given apseed tablet

A powerful trio came together to deliver a special gift to Buncombe County’s youngest citizens. The BCS Bookmobile, Apseed and Mission Health handed out hundreds of special learning tablets for Pre-K students across the county. These tablets are not connected to the internet, but come pre-loaded with games and activities that enrich and prepare young children for school. They teach all the important fundamentals such as shapes, colors, numbers and other academic concepts. 

Apseed provides these tablets free of charge to youth, using a grant provided by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Mission Health saw an opportunity to engage with the community about children’s health issues, providing small first aid kits and pamphlets about safety. The BCS Bookmobile provided the wheels and the ride and handed out books during this event as well. All in all, through this partnership, children in Buncombe county received digital learning tools, books, first aid, and safety knowledge. “Each kit we hand out is another child opening up that door to learning,” said Julie Morrow, Apseed early childhood education executive director. “We want every child to have access.”