Jean Ann Taylor poses in front of her books.
Nick Hope plays a long drum in the Owen Middle auditorium.
Kim Smith, Social worker for emma and west buncombe elementary
A female student pushing a mat with another student on it as part of the Winter Olympics in PE.
Glen Arden students talk about their game in the AMOS STEAM Lab.
Rose Macdonell standing in front of a mural.
Sophia Nerenberg, left, poses with Carrie Pratt at Erwin Middle.
career fair
A group of students standing on stage with Billy Jonas and they all have their hands up in the air.
A student prepares to throw a bocce ball.
Group of three students  testing their homemade mini catapult.
Students talking with BCS Rescue Team
Two students frame the quilt with their arms.
Male student brushing a horse and a beautiful fall day.
Orchestra students posing with instruments outside of Erwin High School
Ashley holding a basketball talking to the team. She is wearing a white sweatshirt, purple pants, and pink shoes.
Student perform a folk dance in the North Windy Ridge gym while  holding the flag of Chile
Two students pose holding their Battle Pup toys
Elementary and Intermediate students perform.
Members of Reynolds Mock Trial team #1 post inside the courthouse holding a banner