Students at North Buncombe Middle School (NBMS) had a different kind of back to school bash this year - a friendly competition between 7th and 8th grade students in a variety of fun challenges, in order to win the coveted Spirit Stick. While the 8th graders were the eventual winners, all the students won a fun afternoon of activities and games. The true prize was the laughs and bonds formed along the way.
There was the water bucket challenge, the ping-pong ball race, fruit loop stacking, the donut-on-a-string eating contest, cheeseball shaving cream toss, life-size Hungry-Hungry Hippos, and more. Class was shortened by about 15 minutes each period to make room for the hour-long event.
“The purpose of the Bash was to build community, to laugh and encourage each other, to create a sense of belonging, to teach communication and teamwork skills, and to encourage sportsmanship and school spirit,” said principal Nicholas Honeycutt. “We feel that building community and a sense of belonging is just as important as the other work we do at school. The students learned that hard work pays off and that we value them and their engagement.”
As students get back into the swing of the school year, our schools encourage students to feel happy, welcome and safe as a first priority, knowing that it’s important for student growth and success. Activities like the NBMS Back to School Bash lay the foundation for school spirit that propel students through their time at BCS.