You can view the recording of the meeting on the BCS YouTube Channel.
Photos from the meeting will be posted in this Google Drive folder.
Superintendent’s Comments
#BackToSchool We’ve had an extremely positive opening to the 2022-23 school year! In the 16 schools I’ve thus far visited, individuals have said to me: this one has to feel different since it’s your last as superintendent (honestly, it’s not felt all that unusual). For the 14th first week in a row, the morning chaos that comes from long car and bus lines disappear once the first bell rings and students are in the building. As you walk the hallways and step inside classrooms, our awesome teachers and administrators work their magic and students are on task as if we’ve never left for the summer! Campuses have never looked better – all a result of dedicated efforts weeks ago by custodians and maintenance staff. Kudos to Maintenance Director Clark Wyatt and his team! What also remains the same are continued enhancements each year, especially in the areas of technology and school safety – and certainly as noted earlier today due to incidents occurring locally as well as in Onslow County – that district-wide priority for safety is well founded!
Staffing Strategies I’ve referenced on many occasions the concept of all 45 Buncombe County schools as one large but very supportive FAMILY and that our culture of family is one of the greatest assets we have. Staffing shortages have been a challenge at times for all school systems across the state. While we still have needs, especially for bus drivers and custodians, I could not be prouder of how our staff throughout all roles and responsibilities have jumped in to help and cover the needs in our schools whenever and wherever they occur. Thank you to all our employees for their dedication and support to keep our schools operating smoothly including the first week of school.
Pandemic Recovery It is important that we all understand that this new year remains a year for continued academic recovery and building on social/behavioral skills.
Recovering from the negative impacts of the pandemic, especially over the timeline of March 2020 through June 2021 remains a work in progress. The previous 21-22 school year’s performances are in the process of being released state-wide, and I have no doubt will reflect these challenges. We will be discussing those results in detail at our October board session.
Preparing Students For Their Tomorrow While we consider the past we must also keep an eye on the future. Earlier this week, results from The State of the Workforce Survey were released. For our region, a total of 795 responses were gathered from employers representing industries, businesses, and professional agencies located in Buncombe and nine surrounding counties. Overall, those responding to the survey anticipate hiring between 22,150 and 44,140 total new employees in the next three years. Three career clusters led the way in projected growth: Health Care/Social Assistance; Manufacturing; and Construction/Skilled Trades. No surprise, the following skills are strongly desired in new employees: Responsibility and Self Discipline, Taking Initiative, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Time Management.
The big takeaway relevant to our students is the wide range of demand for workers who hold credentials ranging from high school diplomas to two- and four-year college degrees, as well as certificates, credentials, internships, and apprenticeships.
Next month, you will also hear a presentation from district staff on a potential transition of Middle College in coordination with ABTCC that creates a model that combines academic preparation, workplace experience, relevant credentials, and employment assurance upon graduation – more to come.
2023 Teacher of the Year Finally, I need to remind everyone that our Teacher of the Year Banquet will be held next Wednesday starting 6:30 in the evening at Celine and Company Downtown Asheville. It is always one of our most fun events as we recognize not only the individual teachers of the year selected from each school but our seven district winners and ultimately the 2022-2023 district-wide TOY. I certainly don’t want to forget the very special recognition known as the Ruth Henderson Award.
Good News
In our good news segment, we recognized CTE Director Taylor Baldwin. He’s been named the FCCLA National School Administrator Award Nominee for North Carolina. We also recognized the 2022 BCS CTE Teacher of the Year, Ashley Lowe, Roberson High School.
Action Agenda
· POLICY FOR APPROVAL – Waive First Reading: Adoption of Policy
Policy 4400 Attendance
· POLICY FOR APPROVAL – Waive First Reading: Adoption of Policy
Policy 4720 Surveys of Students (includes 4720-R)
· Board Approval of Certified Exceptional Children Staffing: Maxim Healthcare Services
· Board Approval of Certified Exceptional Children Staffing: Soliant Health
· Minutes: August 4, 2022 – Regular Meeting Open Session
· Personnel Report
· Advisory Council Members for 2022-2023
· Approval of Board Member Training Credits
· Approval 403b Voluntary Retirement Plans
· Records Retention & Disposal Request
· School Nutrition Recruitment and Retention Bonus Balance
· Sole Source Procurement Request: A Caring Alternative
· Sole Source Procurement Request: Learning Circle Software, LLC
Policy 1720/4030/7235 Title IX Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex
Policy 1740/4010 Student or Parent Grievance Procedure
Policy 1742/5060 Responding to Complaints
Policy 4001 Equal Opportunity
Policy 4240/7312 Child Abuse and Related Threats to Child Safety
Policy 4700 Student Records
Policy 5240 Advertising in Schools
Policy 7510 Leave
Policy 2440 Policy Review and Evaluation
Policy 3300 School Calendars and Time for Learning
Policy 4110 Immunization and Health Requirements
Policy 6220 Operation of Student Nutrition Services
Policy 7720 Employee Political Activities
The next Board of Education Regular Meeting will be held on October 6, 2022, with Work Session Updates, and Closed Session beginning at 4:30 p.m. in the Executive Conference Room and the Open Session beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Minitorium at 175 Bingham Road, Asheville, NC 28806.