Distinguished Young Women of BCS

The Distinguished Young Women of Buncombe County Scholarship Program will hold its 38th annual program, on Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Bob Johnson Theater on the campus of Erwin High School.  The program will feature the 5 participants in the Class of 2023 and Caroline Kiser, the Distinguished Young Woman of Buncombe County for 2022.

The Distinguished Young Women award has been a national program since 1958, and the Buncombe County chapter has awarded over $170,000 of scholarships to young women in Buncombe County schools since 1985. After the local level there are state and national competitions - Buncombe County’s award comes with over $5,000 in scholarships plus the opportunity to receive more from colleges. 

The participants this year are Olivia Lang from Nesbitt Discovery Academy, Lydia Kampe and Jillian Epstein from T.C. Roberson High, Madisyn Ballard from Clyde A Erwin High, and Allison McKay from A.C. Reynolds High.

The competition ranks young women on Scholastics, Interview, Talent, Fitness, and Self-Expression. The showcase features the Fitness, Talent and Self-Expression categories while Scholastics and Interview are completed the morning prior. Each category carries with it its own award, along with overall finalists and the Buncombe County representative. 

Tickets for the September 10 showcase are $10 for adults and $5 for students/seniors and can be purchased in advance online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/404761501547 or by contacting Anna Whisnant, Co-Chairman at buncombe@distinguishedyw.org . Tickets at the door the night of the program will increase to $15 adults and $10 students/seniors.